Sexual Violence in History: A Bibliography

compiled by Stefan Blaschke


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Start: Topical Index: Types: Rape: Gang Rape:

Types: Rape:

[Site] A f r i c a n   H i s t o r y

[Site] Algerian History

Cases: Fictional Victims: Fatima Kosra; Representations: Literary Texts: Le la Marouane (Le ch timent des hypocrites)

[Site] Nigerian History

Cases: Fictional Victims: Adanma, Nkiruka; Representations: Films: Code Of Silence; Literary Texts: Chris Cleave (The Other Hand)

[Site] South African History

Cases: Real Victims: Anene Booysen

[Info] Praeg, Leonhard, et al. Sexual Violence: Mythology, Infant Rape and the Limits of the Political. Politikon 38 (2011): 257-274.

[Info] Reyes, Astrid. Sexual Violence in South Africa: Negotiating Constitutional Rights and Cultural Discourses of Gender. B.A. Thesis, Emory University, 2013.

[Site] A m e r i c a n   H i s t o r y

[Site] Haitian History

Representations: Literary Texts: Roxane Gay, Jaira Placide

[Site] U.S. History

Cases: Fictional Victims: Cassandra, Jennifer Hills, Sansa Stark, Lollys Stokeworth; Real Incidents: Mahmudiyah Massacre, Steubenville High School Rape Case; Real Offenders: James P. Barker, Paul E. Cortez, Steven Dale Green, Jesse V. Spielman; Representations: Films: I Spit on Your Grave, Law & Order: Special Victims Unit (Season 3, Episode10: Ridicule) One Way; Literary Texts: Lauren Beukes (Broken Monsters)

[Info] Crosset, Todd. Capturing Racism: An analysis of racial projects within the Lisa Simpson vs. University of Colorado rape case. 26th Annual Conference of the North American Society for the Sociology of Sport. Winston Salem 2005.

[Info] Schroot, Lisa M. A Culture of Rape: In Twentieth Century American Literature and Beyond. Ph.D. Thesis, University of Kentucky, 2016.

[Site] A s i a n   H i s t o r y

[Site] Indian History

Cases: Real Incidents: Delhi Gang Rape; Real Victims: Jyoti Singh Pandey; Representations: Comics: Drawing the Line

[Info] Agoramoorthy, Govindasamy. Gang Rape in Dehli: A Nation in Shame. American Journal of Social Issues and Humanities 3 (2013): 1-2.

[Site] Iraqi History

[Site] Israeli History

Cases: Real Incidents: Ayia Napa Rape Case

[Info] Sela-Shayovitz, Revital. They Are All Good Boys : The role of the Israeli media in the social construction of gang rape. Feminist Media Studies 15 (2015): 411-428.

[Site] E u r o p e a n   H i s t o r y

[Site] Cyprian History

Cases: Real Incidents: Ayia Napa Rape Case

[Site] Czech History

Cases: Fictional Victims: Gita Lauschmannov ; Representations: Literary Texts: Radka Denemarkov

[Site] English History

Cases: Real Incidents: Ayia Napa Rape Case

[Site] Finnish History

Cases: Fictional Offenders: Gusten Grippe, Nathan Häggert; Fictional Victims: Sascha Anckar; Representations: Literary Texts: Monika Fagerholm

[Site] German History

Representations: Literary Texts: Ferdinand von Schirach

[Site] Russian History

Cases: Fictional Victims: Marina; Representations: Films: Portret v sumerkakh

[Site] Swedish History

Cases: Real Incidents: Husby Case, Tumba Case

[Site] O c e a n i a n   H i s t o r y

[Site] Australian History

Cases: Real Incidents: Ashfield Gang Rapes

[Info] Heller-Nicholas, Alexandra. Fair Games and Wasted Youth: Twenty-five Years of Australian Rape-Revenge Film (1986-2011). Metro Magazine No. 170 (2011): 86-89.